Paris Catacombs

Visiting the Paris Catacombs Skulls at the Paris Catacombs

Visiting the Paris Catacombs: A Labyrinth of Death Beneath the City of Light

Are the Paris Catacombs worth visiting? It depends on what you like. If you're not somebody who enjoys visiting cemeteries when you travel, it might not be the place for you. But there aren't too many other places quite like it and it has an interesting history. Here's a bit of the history of the Paris Catacombs, a few interesting facts and some tips for before you go and how to get there. Here's more about the catacombs, with some tips for visiting.

Big(ish) Changes!

pumpkin spice
We just did a major site revamp and changed our profile system and a bunch of other things. If you’d like to know what changes we made, you can read our note about it. It’s the note with the pumpkin spice latte. Now we’re going to go drink one and take a break for just a bit. Whew!