
Snoqualmie Bike Ride: Remlinger and Back

I cycled this route years ago, and intended to write about it at that time. A few things may have changed since then, but it remains a good cycling route with a good stop at Remlinger Farms at the mid-point.


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by Cheryl

I did this route years ago…based on a cycling route I saw in Sunset magazine. It was a great ride for our anniversary, staying at Salish Lodge and then riding from near the railroad depot to Reminlger Farms and back.

The map below is a re-creation of the ride via an old GPX file. I re-added it after we resumed routes on this website but decided to leave this post in place as it was already here. To view the interactive version of the map and GPX, click here or on the map image below.

Note that I lost a few of the photos of that trip. The featured image is from jc winkler on Flickr under a creative commons license.

Snoqualmie Bike Ride: Remlinger and Back I cycled this route years ago, and intended to write about it at that time. A few things may have changed since then, but it remains a good cycling route with a good stop at Remlinger Farms at the mid-point. Snoqualmie to Remlinger Farms Bike Ride Map image
Have you done this ride? Any other suggestions for things to do and see along the way? Feel free to leave a comment.
Have you done this ride? Any other suggestions for things to do and see along the way?x

Snoqualmie is a charming town — and not just for its well-known waterfall! While you’re there, visit the railway museum (I’m talking about when things open back up, to clarify.) And stay and have breakfast at Salish Lodge if you want a treat.

And bring your bike. Of course, Snoqualmie has plenty of attractive cycling areas, most notably the Snoqualmie tunnel. However, if you want an out-and-back route that lands you at Remlinger Farms at its midpoint, this is a good one!

This post is also my first (OK, maybe my second) attempt at hosting route maps on this website. If you have any favorite routes you’d like to share, you can try it out. If you do, keep in mind that it’s currently “beta.” I won’t be writing a post for every route that gets entered here.

But to get back to the ride! Head out from the town of Snoqualmie. Parking is usually available on the street, near the Northwest Railway Museum. From there, your journey heads past Salish Lodge and passes some farms along the way. It cuts through some neighborhoods, with a stop and turnaround at Biringer. Do it once things open back up; then, you can stop for fresh produce, coffee, or lunch before you head back.

Do this ride in the middle of Summer, and you’ll find berries along the way.

The ride is relatively hilly — I was in excellent cycling shape at the time (and don’t believe the map data which suggests I went 2mph!.) But it was a fun day with a treat at the midpoint (that is, having a bite to eat at Remlinger Farms.

Snoqualmie Bike Ride Remlinger Farms Photo of Cheryl and Bike at Remlinger Farms in Carnation

Things to see along the Snoqualmie cycling route:

  • Salish Lodge. If you can’t stay, it’s still a great place to have lunch. If you want to have their famous breakfast, contact them in advance.
  • Northwest Railway Museum: See the steam engine and, if you’re there between April and October, you might want to interrupt your bike ride for a train ride?
  • Remlinger Farms: Shop for produce, visit the farm, have some coffee, and rest before you head back.
  • Snoqualmie Falls: Well, of course! If you have some time and extra energy, lock up the bike and take the hike down to the falls.

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Cycling | PNW Things to Do

Bike Rides | Cycling | King County | Oudoor Sports | Routes | Snoqualmie | Washington State

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