Uff Da! Poulsbo Viking Fest brings a lot of traffic to little Poulsbo…which is good, but still. Poulsbo Viking Fest is an annual festival celebrating Syttende mai — in English, the seventeenth of May — which is Norwegian independence day.
Poulsbo was founded by Norwegians and likes to celebrate the heritage.
The celebration in Poulsbo consists of a parade at 2:00 on the Saturday of the event and proceeds down Front Street, a number of vendors at Muriel Iverson Waterfront Park, donut eating contests, Viking shield walls, live entertainment, lots of food (my advice: if you see lutefisk run the other way) and vendors, carnival rides, a road race, a strong man competition, and more.
On the Friday of the event, there’s usually a discounted armband price for carnival rides, but you can buy them during the event. Going to Viking Fest itself, watching the parade, etc. is free.
Poulsbo Viking Fest Photos
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