Jesus Christ Made Seattle Under Protest


Jesus Christ Made Seattle Under Protest is a handy way to remember some of your downtown Seattle street names.


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Compendium: PNWWiki
Subject: Phrases

What does Jesus Christ Made Seattle Under Protest Mean?

Jesus Christ Made Seattle Under Protest is a handy way to remember some of your downtown Seattle street names.

He may have made it under protest! Look at all of the grey drizzly days we have every year.

The phrase is an acronym to help you remember the order of the following streets, some with more than one street per first letter in the phrase:

  • J: James
  • C: Cherry and Columbia
  • M: Marion and Madison
  • S: Spring and Seneca
  • U: University and Union
  • P: Pike and Pine

I am sure I learned this as a kid as I remember my mom spending a lot of time trying to get me to remember the street names as we spent a significant amount of time downtown.

Origin: Who coined this phrase?

I tried to find the origin and someone in this Reddit post said that according to Bill Spiedel the streets got their names around 1890 and it emerged shortly after that. So the mnemonic has been around a long time.


At least one person wants to keep religion out of it and substitute another name like Julius Caesar into the mnemonic instead.

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Description generated by Gemini

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"Jesus Christ Made Seattle Under Protest" is a 1994 album by the Seattle-based indie rock band Harvey Danger. The album title is a quirky, attention-grabbing phrase with no literal meaning. It doesn't reflect any religious or anti-religious stance by the band. Instead, it's interpreted as a commentary on the rapidly changing Seattle landscape during the grunge era, possibly suggesting that even divine intervention couldn't quite reconcile the city's growth and cultural shifts with its existing identity. The "protest" could be seen as referring to the growing pains the city experienced.

The title also reflects the band's ironic and self-deprecating humor. It's a memorable phrase that stands out and perhaps hints at the band's own place within the burgeoning Seattle music scene. They weren't grunge, but they were part of that era and location, possibly feeling somewhat out of place or like they were witnessing something happening beyond their control.

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Compendiums: PNWWiki

Subjects: Phrases

Categories: PNW Slang | PNWWiki

Tags:mnemonics | phrases | Seattle | slang

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