

Britannica defines art as "defines art as a visual object or experience consciously created through an expression of skill or imagination." But what does constitute art?

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Compendium: General, PhotoGlossary
Subject: Words

What is art? I think that’s a very subjective question.

Britannica defines art as a visual object or experience consciously created through an expression of skill or imagination. And, yet, I’d also define music as an art — a sound experience rather than a visual experience.

But, usually, when we talk about something being “art,” it is because we are ascribing some certain level of quality or value to it. And when we complain that something is “not art,” it’s often not just because it is unskilled but because it, in some way, offends us or because we have the notion that a thing must be pleasing to look at is art.

Certainly, we agree that the Mona Lisa or the Sistine chapel ceiling can be called art. Is Andres Serrano’s Piss Christ art? Are your 5-year-old’s fridge drawings art? Are creatively-staged Lego people photos art? And are AI-generated images art?

By the strict definition, at least all of the first three examples are definitely art. The words, here, are skill OR imagination. And those are all produced through imagination. You don’t have to like it for it to be art.

And the last question? AI art? Well, they definitely fall into the last category. They are produced through imagination. But it’s an open question I have whether something that derives from art history — what’s draws from what’s already been created — can be called art. And yet, I think now, much non-AI art is inspired by what came before.

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Anyway, on to a Wikipedia explanation instead of my subjective musings.

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Defining art is notoriously difficult, as it's a constantly evolving concept with no single, universally accepted definition. However, we can approach a definition by considering some key aspects:

  • Mimesis (Imitation): Historically, art was often seen as an imitation of nature or reality. While this applies to some forms of art, like realistic painting or sculpture, it doesn't encompass more abstract or conceptual approaches.

  • Expression of Emotion or Ideas: Art can be a powerful vehicle for expressing emotions, ideas, and experiences. Artists often use their work to communicate their inner world or to comment on the external world.

  • Aesthetic Experience: Art is often intended to evoke an aesthetic experience in the viewer or listener. This experience might involve pleasure, contemplation, or even discomfort, but it engages the senses and often prompts reflection.

  • Creative Skill and Imagination: The creation of art typically involves skill, technique, and imagination. Artists use their creativity to transform materials or ideas into something new and meaningful.

  • Cultural Context: Art is always created within a specific cultural context, which influences its meaning and interpretation. Understanding the cultural background of a work of art can help us appreciate its significance.

  • Intentionality: While not always necessary, the intention of the creator often plays a role in defining something as art. An object or action might be considered art if it was created with the intention of being experienced as such.

A Working Definition:

Art is a form of human expression that uses skill, imagination, and creativity to produce works that can be appreciated for their beauty, emotional power, intellectual stimulation, or cultural significance. It often involves a conscious intention to create something meaningful or aesthetically pleasing, but its interpretation can be subjective and influenced by cultural context.

Beyond this general definition, it's important to remember:

  • Art is subjective: What one person considers art, another may not.
  • Art is constantly changing: New forms and styles of art are constantly emerging.
  • Art can serve multiple purposes: It can be functional, decorative, therapeutic, or purely expressive.

Ultimately, the definition of art remains open to debate and individual interpretation.

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Compendiums: General | PhotoGlossary

Subjects: Words

Categories: Art Terms

Tags:art | general terms | visual art

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