How Much do You Know About Shakespeare? Trivia Quiz


How much do you know about Shakespeare? Test yourself with this 15-question quiz!

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by Cheryl

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The Shakespeare Trivia Quiz

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How Much do You Know About Shakespeare? Trivia Quiz How much do you know about Shakespeare? Test yourself with this 15-question quiz! 2024 09 14 17263156812

How much do you know about Shakespeare?

This is a 15-question quiz with random answers from our question bank of questions about Shakespeare, his life, his plays, etc. The questions are mostly multiple choice with possibly a few fill-in-the blanks. We may add questions to the bank as time goes on, so the quiz may vary if you retake it.

A “passing” score is 75%.

Think we made a mistake? The questions have a “report” button in the lower right hand corner if you disagree with our identification.

If you pass the quiz with a score of 75% or more when you’re logged in, you can show the “Bard Nerd” badge on your profile.

You can take this quiz a max of 10 times.

How Much do You Know About Shakespeare? Trivia Quiz How much do you know about Shakespeare? Test yourself with this 15-question quiz! tail spin

The number of attempts remaining is 10

1 / 15

How many sonnets did Shakespeare write?

2 / 15

There is a theory that Shakespeare played which character in Hamlet?

3 / 15

Which play is the quote “The first thing we do is, let’s kill all the lawyers.” from?

4 / 15

What were the names of Shakespeare’s children?

5 / 15

Methought I was enamoured of an {blank_1}

6 / 15

Who asked the question “If you prick us, do we not bleed?”

7 / 15

The characters Titania and Oberon are from which Shakespeare play?

8 / 15

What is Shakespeare’s longest play?

9 / 15

Where is Shakespeare buried?

10 / 15

What was Shakespeare’s first play?

11 / 15

Shakespeare coined the word “bedazzled.”

12 / 15

Which quote or term originated with Shakesepare?

13 / 15

What are the names of King Lear’s Daughters?

14 / 15

My kingdom for a {blank_1}

15 / 15

“Some Cupid kills with arrows, some with traps.” Name the play.

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Bard Nerd Badge for Shakespeare Trivia Quiz

English Literature | Literature | Shakespeare | Writers

Average (10-20 questions)

Fill in the Blanks | Multiple Choice

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