Trivia Quiz

Photography Terms Quiz

Test your knowledge of photography terms with this 10 question quiz. We are relocating trivia quizzes and probably will be bringing photography content back to this site, so here's this quiz to start!


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by Cheryl

Are you a knowledgable photographer? Or a photography learner who wants to test your knowledge? Take our photography quiz!

Our photography quiz is a 10-question quiz with questions about photography terms, settings, perhaps some questions about what you’d choose to get a specific photo.

Questions are selected randomly from any appropriate question we have in our question bank and may include multiple choice, matching, or text-answer questions.

We’re likely going to be bringing our photography posts and some galleries back to this site…so this seems the appropriate place to post this quiz.

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  • Pass the Photography Terms quiz with a score of 75% or better.

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Photography Terms Quiz Test your knowledge of photography terms with this 10 question quiz. We are relocating trivia quizzes and probably will be bringing photography content back to this site, so here's this quiz to start! close report window

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Photography Terms Quiz Test your knowledge of photography terms with this 10 question quiz. We are relocating trivia quizzes and probably will be bringing photography content back to this site, so here's this quiz to start! tail spin


Photography Terms Quiz Test your knowledge of photography terms with this 10 question quiz. We are relocating trivia quizzes and probably will be bringing photography content back to this site, so here's this quiz to start! 2024 12 13 17341412043

Photography Terms and Settings Quiz

Are you a budding — or expert — photographer? Test yourself on your photography knowledge with this 10-question quiz. This quiz may feature photography term definitions, questions about choosing the best settings or gear for a particular type of photograph, and such things. It will not ask questions about things like camera brands, photography history, etc.

Quiz Facts:

  • 10 questions chosen at random from question bank questions having to do with photography terms and knowledge.
  • Questions may be multiple choice, checkbox, or text-answer.
  • You can take this quiz up to 10 times.
  • If you take it while you are logged in, you can earn 10 QuizPoints and put the Photographer badge on your profile.
Photography Terms Quiz Test your knowledge of photography terms with this 10 question quiz. We are relocating trivia quizzes and probably will be bringing photography content back to this site, so here's this quiz to start! tail spin

The number of attempts remaining is 10

1 / 10

Photography Terms Quiz Test your knowledge of photography terms with this 10 question quiz. We are relocating trivia quizzes and probably will be bringing photography content back to this site, so here's this quiz to start! bookmark empty

What is the meaning of ‘HDR’ in photography?

2 / 10

Photography Terms Quiz Test your knowledge of photography terms with this 10 question quiz. We are relocating trivia quizzes and probably will be bringing photography content back to this site, so here's this quiz to start! bookmark empty

If I take a photo and have an aperature of f2 which of the following might be a result (choose all correct options)?

It’s expressed as a three-letter acronym. A higher number indicates a higher sensitivity and a greater ability to capture light.

3 / 10

Photography Terms Quiz Test your knowledge of photography terms with this 10 question quiz. We are relocating trivia quizzes and probably will be bringing photography content back to this site, so here's this quiz to start! bookmark empty

In photography, the term that represents sensitivity to light as a numerical value.

4 / 10

Photography Terms Quiz Test your knowledge of photography terms with this 10 question quiz. We are relocating trivia quizzes and probably will be bringing photography content back to this site, so here's this quiz to start! bookmark empty

If someone says that a photograph has “good bokeh,” what are they generally saying?

“Triangle” implies that there are three correct choices. Choose all three.

5 / 10

Photography Terms Quiz Test your knowledge of photography terms with this 10 question quiz. We are relocating trivia quizzes and probably will be bringing photography content back to this site, so here's this quiz to start! bookmark empty

In photography, the elements of the exposure triangle are (choose all that apply):

6 / 10

Photography Terms Quiz Test your knowledge of photography terms with this 10 question quiz. We are relocating trivia quizzes and probably will be bringing photography content back to this site, so here's this quiz to start! bookmark empty

In photography, f4 is an expression of which value?

7 / 10

Photography Terms Quiz Test your knowledge of photography terms with this 10 question quiz. We are relocating trivia quizzes and probably will be bringing photography content back to this site, so here's this quiz to start! bookmark empty

Which parameter in photography is expressed in degrees Kelvin (K)?

8 / 10

Photography Terms Quiz Test your knowledge of photography terms with this 10 question quiz. We are relocating trivia quizzes and probably will be bringing photography content back to this site, so here's this quiz to start! bookmark empty

What does ‘RAW’ in photography mean?

9 / 10

Photography Terms Quiz Test your knowledge of photography terms with this 10 question quiz. We are relocating trivia quizzes and probably will be bringing photography content back to this site, so here's this quiz to start! bookmark empty

In photography, what is ‘depth of field’?

10 / 10

Photography Terms Quiz Test your knowledge of photography terms with this 10 question quiz. We are relocating trivia quizzes and probably will be bringing photography content back to this site, so here's this quiz to start! bookmark empty

In photography, what is ‘shutter speed’?

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Photography Terms Quiz Test your knowledge of photography terms with this 10 question quiz. We are relocating trivia quizzes and probably will be bringing photography content back to this site, so here's this quiz to start! Camera Loading GIF
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