Submit an Event


Written by: Cheryl



Submit an event to our calendar using the events submission form below -- or if you're logged in click the "Add New" button to go to the form. We accept events in the Pacific Northwest or online events that discuss the PNW, travel, photography, or nature. For current known issues or if you see your event on our calendar click here to open a popup with more information.
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Your Details

Event Name

Give your event a descriptive title.

No groups defined yet.

When is the event?

This is a recurring event.


For a recurring event, a one day event will be created on each recurring date within this date range.

This event repeats every day days week on weeks on month on the months on the year years of each month
Event Times to

Where is the event?

If your event is in person, PLEASE use Physical Location in the dropdown and enter the title. Allow the form to search for your location and use that if it is already in our system before you go ahead add a new location. Duplicate locations cause issues. URL is for online events only. No location is reserved for our use to add fun "dates in history" etc. If you cannot add a location, please let us know.Please use the URL event type for online/virtual events only. There is a form field farther down for the URL for your in-person event.

Create a location or start typing to search a previously created location.

Location not found

Update your address information above to generate a preciese map location.

Event Description

Please add a description of your event. The form will accept some html and links to things such as youtube videos, etc.

Other Event Details

While these are not required, fields such as Organizer, Organizer URL, Cost, and Performer will add schema to your event and make it more likely that your event shows up in search results. Please enter just ONE price in the field, without any dollar symbols. You can enter your price range in the event description. The event URL should be the website for the event and will attach itself to the View Event button on the event post. Please add the FULL URL with https://

Event Categories

Please choose at least one category for your event. If there is not one here yet that fits, choose the best available -- we may add another one if we deem it necessary. You may add more than one by clicking one and then holding CTRL to select other categories or using Shift to select a group of categories.

Event Tags

Tags make your event more findable. You may add more than one by clicking one and then holding CTRL to select other separate tags or using Shift to select a group of tags.

Event Featured Image

Your event looks better with a featured image! This will be shown on your event page. Make it count.

No image uploaded for this event yet

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