Rotation Sidebar Ad Per Impression

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Rotation Sidebar Ad Per Impression


This is a per-impression ad placement in the sidebar of our website for pages that have a sidebar.

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Available ad types

  • Plain Text and Code
  • Image Ad

You will be able to submit the ad content after the purchase.

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This is a per-impression sidebar ad placement. Ads are shown in rotation with other ads, though we try to give priority to our advertisers over affiliate ads. Ads in this sidebar placement are not on a “refresh” or slider — that is, a new ad is shown when the visitor moves to a new page rather than refreshing ads on the same page.

Please see our FAQ page for our advertising terms and conditions. You’ll also find a form there where you can contact us if you need to specify particular geographic locations or sections of our site where we should target your ad. We can also target your ad to different visitor conditions — only logged-out visitors, for instance.

If this is your first time advertising on this website, we recommend that you try out one of the options with fewer impressions at first, as we do not issue refunds for unused advertising dollars in most cases.

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