- I like writing, WordPress, photography and, when I'm not doing those things, cycling, looking at birds, camping, and reading.
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About Me
Main Blogeuse
I love WordPress writing, going places, cycling, photography, and just going places. Trying to get both myself and this blog back in shape to do more of these things.
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Get Your Butt Back on the Bike!
Public Group
Puget Sound Birding and Photography
Public Group
I'm just commenting here to test the field and get comment metadata. But I have good memories of my meandering, though I probably got a bit too close to this large Elk.
Two is the correct answer:) This is why they come in pairs, I tell my spouse. But I've seen people hiking with one as well. Two will give you more joint support and I feel more confident with them as I can poke at things, check the ground ahead...
Perfect! I'd love to get an update. You can visit the contact form or email to and I can update it with the new information you provide. Or, you can create an account and I'd add you as the event author and then you'd have access to add...
Just testing the comment form...but I love this place! Since my last visit, I ended up biking around Port Townsend and biked through the trails here as a shortcut.
Sorry about the delay in approving this comment. It's on the calendar currently! But I noted the change in location from what I had left over from last year's listing and edited it appropriately.