Kayak Launch at Leiber Haven Resort
Cascadia Marine Trails Paddle-in Campsites
Unless things have changed, the sites are first-come-first-serve and you can pay via a box at the campsites. So it's best to get there before the weekend!
Olympic Outdoor Center Kayak Rentals
During Summer months, they're generally open from 10--6 during the week and 10-8 Friday and Saturday.
In the Summer, in particular, if you're kayaking watch for harbor seals near the marina -- there are often babies in July. You are supposed to keep your distance from them -- I can't promise they'll keep their distance from you. I had one follow me and continue in a pattern of swimming under my boat and then popping up in front of it early one morning years ago (wish I'd had a camera on the front of the boat).
If you're confident in kayaking, kayak down to Keyport, grab a sandwich and then kayak back.