Thanks for your interest in advertising.
We’re adding this as we get frequent follow up questions such as “what is your budget,” when the question is about our pricing for various types of advertising.
We’ve posted this information in other FAQs but we’re adding this for a handy reference.
We have set prices if we publish ads or sponsored posts, which are clearly posted on our website. These may change from time to time as traffic grows.
Please note that while we DO offer some banner ad placements, we generally do NOT publish paid links in our posts (other than affiliate links that we choose to add as we write posts).
If you would like pricing on the following, please refer to the respective page:
- Banner advertising: We are currently in the process of listing more placements for image and html ads. As we do so, you can find them on the advertising page.
- Sponsored posts: We’ve added them as a sponsored post product with a set price. The process for submitting a sponsored post is the same as for a standard post, which you can see on our write for us page.
We are not interested in buying many sponsored posts for a low price.