Terms and Conditions for Submitting Routes and Places

Here are the terms and conditions for submitting routes and locations.


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Terms and Conditions for Submitting Routes and Places


Here are the terms and conditions for submitting routes and locations.

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by Cheryl

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These are terms for submitting routes and locations. Note that this does NOT apply to event locations, which are different than the locations on our places (map) pages.

In general, the terms for submitting routes and locations are the same as for regular posts, except with a difference: as with events, we’ve decided to allow submissions without logging in. If we find ourselves with a bunch of spam submissions, we may discontinue that.

In general, the terms are:

  • Locations are for submitting single places such as parks, hotels, restaurants, shops…you get it. If the location is a restaurant, hotel, or something that can be reviewed, we prefer that you add information to your submission, such as how many stars you’d give it (either general or per feature) and extra information, such as cost.
  • Locations and routes may be eligible for some compensation under the partner program if you are already in it for submitting other content and will never be eligible for per-view or per-word compensation if we ever implement that. Lots of map loads cost.
  • Routes are moderated to avoid spam, and we have the right to decline any route for any reason.
  • You can connect with Strava to upload routes from Strava if you’d like. If you do, you may be subject to Strava’s privacy policies. However, while we love Zwift and use it ourselves, we do NOT publish your Watopia or other Zwift routes.
  • We have some custom fields that are not (currently) shown on the forms for locations and routes. If you’d like to add things like Ride With GPS links or an eBird checklist link for the location (and many other similar things), please just add it to the description content, and we may be able to add it in the appropriate place.
  • Ads will show on your route, and we may add in some extra widgets, such as a hotel widget or nearby tours, if those are available for your location. However, this does not apply to sponsored posts. Normally, though, we haven’t done sponsored posts for locations and routes.
  • Location entries may be supplemented by Google reviews and will also likely have visitor review stars on them as well as post ratings.
  • We also try to add user galleries to many routes and locations. We may add one to yours, which will accept user uploads of photos.
  • If you submit your location or route while you are logged in, you will be able to access it from a tab in your member profile or from your route or location index page.
  • If you submit your route or location while logged out, you will not be credited for the route, and the author will show something like “Guest Route Author.”
  • If you are a member of a group, you may add locations or routes to your group(s) when you submit them. Routes may be collaborative, if you choose, which means that group members may edit and add to your route.

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I like writing, WordPress, photography and, when I'm not doing those things, cycling, looking at birds, camping, and reading.


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