These are the terms and conditions for adding terms in our glossary
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What terms can I add?
We started the “PNWWiki” to be a glossary of people,places, history,slang, nature…all things PNW. But we’ve added photography content as well, so we’re using it for photography terms. And there’s a chance that we may add some terms related to bikes as well, if we need the reference.
Terms for submitting…terms:
When you submit a glossary term to our site, you agree to the following:
- We have the right to decline the post for any reason.
- We do not do any sponsored posts for glossary terms.
- You agree to allow other users to suggest edits for your term. We might also allow users to edit terms in the future, wiki-style.
- Unless you are in the partner program end eligible for potential post payment, we will not pay you for posts and we will not receive payment.
- We have the right to remove content at any time. You can request to have your posts removed but the final decision will be up to us. We often do a lot of work on editing a post pre-publication and don’t like to remove content once it’s posted. We will not remove posts that have had funds paid out in the partner program and will not pay out any funds if you request to have your post removed before it has generated enough funds for payment.
- It is up to us whether we “nofollow” or “dofollow” links. If it’s a sponsored post, we will always mark sponsored links with a rel=”sponsored” tag and disclose that the post is sponsored. If you add affiliate links to your guest post, we’ll also add that tag if it doesn’t already exist for those links. We reserve the right to change the link tags for (unpaid) guest posts if we suspect that dofollowing links is causing SEO issues.
- You may be able to add your own affiliate links to your post if it does not break the terms of those affiliate agreements. Such links will be marked as sponsored. You can only add affiliate links if they add some value to your post. If your post is in the partner program, we will replace any affiliate links that we can in your post with our own links and then revenue share with you as explained in the partner terms. However, in general for glossary terms we do not add affiliate links.
- We may add information to your term, including Wikipedia content, a snippet of AI-generated text (which we only do on glossary terms), and links to related content.
- Visitors will be able to comment on your term and leave ratings. We appreciate it if you respond to people who leave comments.
- We only post some terms to social media and don’t guarantee any specific “reach” for such content.