Poll Terms & Conditions

FAQ page and terms and conditions of polls.


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We use a couple of different types of polls on this website. One type of poll is a simple one that users can post in their profile or groups. The other type of poll is one that we use in posts, either standard posts and in addition, their own post type. Polls may also appear, occasionally, in popups when we wish to gather visitor responses on something.

Please read on for terms and conditions depending on poll type.

In-Content Polls

These are the polls you’ll find outside of user profiles and groups — though they CAN also be shared to those areas if a more complex poll is desired there.

About in-content polls & terms

What follows are some facts about in-content polls. You agree to these terms if you take a poll.

  • We collect visitor data, including IP address (unless it’s blocked by our GDPR blocker), when you submit a poll response on some polls. This is to prevent double responses on such polls, prevent spam, and identify geographical areas where users are submitting responses. Additionally, if you respond to a poll as a logged-in user, such polls will link to your user account (or if you submit your email if you’re not logged in). However, we make some polls anonymous, for various reasons. On these polls we will state that the poll is anonymous. In such cases none of the above will happen.
  • On most “choosing” type polls (ones that ask you to vote on various options) as well as some other poll types, we may show user avatars in the responses. Generally, this is if you’ve taken the poll as a logged-in user and the poll is not anonymous. For instance, you can see my avatar on this poll, but not so many others who’ve responded without leaving an email.
  • Most polls will have an information field after the poll. If you take the poll while you’re logged in, this will usually get pre-filled with your name and email. In most cases, these fields are not required, but they can be helpful for us if the poll is to help us gather responses for use in a post, for instance.

Profile and Group Polls

If you choose the “poll” option in profiles and groups, this is a simple poll type allowing people to choose between different responses. In those types of polls, you’ll find a dropdown with the ability to choose between making the poll public, private, for “friends” or for logged in users. Unfortunately, we cannot filter it currently by “followers.” But know that if you allow your poll to be shown it is, of course, not anonymous as it’s on your profile, and that, by its nature, you are allowing people to take your poll.

Terms for this post:

poll | polls | terms and conditions


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