Retro Expo, formerly named the Antique and Collectibles Week, celebrates a broader range of vintage and antique experiences throughout Lincoln City. The ten-day event highlights the treasures, collectibles and other finds to be discovered at Lincoln City’s local antique shops, vintage boutiques, and used bookstores. A full listing of the antique shops and used bookstores participating in this year’s Retro Expo can be found at Explore Lincoln City’s website.
The event will feature thrifting adventures, special sales, and a themed Finders Keepers “drop” where 100 Japanese antique-style glass floats will be hidden along the city’s seven miles of public beach, from Roads End on the north to Siletz Bay to the south. Floats will be placed above the high tide line and below the beach embankment – if someone finds a float, it’s all theirs, Finders Keepers style! Limit: one float per family per year.
PNW & Beyond editor’s note: This event takes place at many locations around Lincoln City, but we had to pick one so we could put it on the map, so it doesn’t JUST take place at Little Antique Mall.