PNW Reads

Sometimes I love a good read either set in or about areas with which I’m familiar! These are articles about Pacific Northwest books — either fiction set in the PNW, by local authors, or about some aspect of the PNW.


Remarkably Bright Creatures Book Review

Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby van Pelt, set in a fictional town a couple hours north of Seattle, is a good read if you like: books set in the PNW, the giant pacific octopus, or feel good reads. This is a brief review.

Seattle Fiction Books

Set in Seattle: Seattle-centric books to quench your lust for the Emerald City

We just updated this one...a bit. Here are some great (or possibly great, we haven't read all of them but we eventually want to) books set in the Emerald City.

Hollow Kingdom Book Review Featured Image

Review of Hollow Kingdom and Feral Creatures

Review of the first two (we hope there will be more) books in the Hollow Kingdom Series by Kira Jane Buxton: Hollow Kingdom and Feral Creatures. You might like these books if you like: crows, zombies, apocalytic fiction, animals, nature, Cheetos and/or Seattle.

Seattle Walk Report Book

Why Didn’t I Hear of the Seattle Walk Report Before This?

The Seattle Walk Report is a charming Instagram account. -- and now book -- especially if you're a local. How did I miss it until now?
